
how to use however in a sentence

What is a preposition? Here we're going to explain what a preposition is, how to use it, and many useful preposition examples in English. When you are studying English grammar, you have likely come across the idea of the preposition, but what is this and how does it function within a sentence? In this article, we are going to be looking in a little more depth at what a preposition is, how they are used, and the rules surrounding them. We are also going to be looking at some examples in order to gain a greater understanding of their function.


What is a Preposition?

Preposition Definition

In the most simple terms, a preposition is a word that can link verbs, nouns, and pronouns together. In many cases, it might suggest location or any other type of relationship which occurs between the various words within a sentence.

Many words can be classed as a preposition but that does not mean that they are one all the time. For example, let's take the word 'after' as an example. On its own it is not a preposition, take a look at the following sentence.

  • He didn't meet her until after.

In this case, the word after serves as an adverb, however by changing its location in the sentence and linking it to a noun, it then becomes a preposition. Take a look at this sentence:

  • We will meet after lunch.

The word after now has a relationship to the noun lunch, which turns it into a preposition.

The Importance of Prepositions

In the English language, prepositions are words that connect nouns, pronouns, and phrases to other words in a sentence.

A preposition is used before a noun, pronoun, or gerund to show place (prepositions of place), time (prepositions of time), direction (prepositions of movement),… in a sentence.

Preposition examples: After, along, above, except, from, near, of, before, since, between, upon, with, to, after, toward, in, on, at, about, apropos, according to,…

Preposition Examples

  • In the morning
  • In (the) summer
  • In a moment
  • On Thursday
  • On the first day
  • On time
  • At 12 o'clock
  • At present
  • In Manhattan
  • In a building
  • On a wall
  • At the corner
  • Below the surface
  • In front of the city hall
  • During the conference
  • Before dawn
  • Within seven days
  • Into her eyes
  • Across the road
  • Along the beach
  • Down the hill


Types of Prepositions

There are five different types of prepositions in English grammar.

  1. Prepositions of time (ago, before, since…)
  2. Prepositions of place (under, behind, between…)
  3. Prepositions of movement/ Direction (up, down, over…)
  4. Prepositions for agent, instruments, devices, machines…(by, with, on…)
  5. Prepositional phrases (in time, on time, in love...)

Preposition examples | Image

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How to Use Prepositions

English can be complicated. Languages in general just have so many different parts of speech and ways to put them together. Luckily, all the rules and types of words can be broken down into manageable sizes. This keeps it from feeling so overwhelming. We're here to help you navigate English and make it seem much easier to understand! This section is focused specifically on preposition rules.

Preposition Rules

As with all areas of grammar, there are rules when it comes to the use of the preposition. Let's dive a little deeper here and take a look at the rules in order to enable us to use the preposition correctly.

Rule #1

As a rule of thumb, the preposition should go before the pronoun or noun to which is has a relationship. However, this is not always the case and there are some exceptions to this rule. Many people are of the belief that a preposition does not belong at the end of a sentence, but by taking a look at the following example, we can see that this is not true.

  • This is something I do not agree with.

As you can see, the preposition 'with' has ended the sentence, however, this should only be done if the preposition provides relevant information to the sentence. If you were to add the phrase 'with which' into the middle of this sentence, the final preposition would not be necessary, let's take a look at this:

  • This is something with which I do not agree (with)

We are now going to look at some further examples of times when a preposition might come at the end of a sentence.

  • Where did the man come from?
  • How many of these people can he depend on?
  • Who are you going on holiday with?

Rule #2

When using the preposition 'like' which means similar, you should follow it with an object of a preposition, this is either a noun phrase, noun, or pronoun and not with a subject and verb. In order to help you to remember this, you should always avoid the use of like when using a verb. Let's take a look at some examples of this.

  • She looks like her father
  • She looks like her father does.

The first sentence is correct as the preposition 'like' is referring to the noun 'father.' However, the following sentence does not make sense since the preposition 'like' now leads us to believe that she looks (with her eyes) in the same manner that her father looks with his eyes.

When making a comparison using a subject and verb, you should use the word 'as' rather than 'like' because this will make much more sense. For example:

  • He looks like he's laughing.
  • He looks as though he's laughing.

The second sentence in the above example is correct. It is important to remember to only use like when you are saying that something is similar. If the word like cannot be reasonably replaced with similar, then 'as' should be used in its place. To make this clearer, let's look at an example.

  • Do like the teacher asks.
  • Do as the teacher asks.

The first sentence could also be worded as 'do similarly as the teacher asks' and this would not make sense, therefore the second sentence is grammatically correct.

The best way of choosing between like and as is to remember that like should be used when there is no verb, and as should be used when there is a verb.

Rule #3

When using the verb 'to have' you should never replace it with the preposition 'of.' This is not grammatically correct. Look at the following examples:

  • He should not have done that.
  • He should not of done that.

The first sentence is correct, although many English speakers may incorrectly use the preposition of, this is not how it should be done.

Rule #4

If you are going to use the word 'different' then it is usual to follow it with the preposition 'from.' In some cases, you will notice that the term 'different than' may be used, and whilst this is not entirely grammatically incorrect, it polarises the statement rather than making it unchallengeable.

  • He is different than she is.
  • He is different from her.

Rule #5

If you wish to refer to a motion towards something then you should use the preposition 'into' instead of 'in.' Let's take a look at some examples of this.

  • She walked into the room.
  • She walked in the room.

The above example shows that into makes more sense and is grammatically correct rather than the use of the word in. Let's see another example of this.

  • They dived into the sea.
  • They dived in the sea.

If you are talking about something already being in something and not going towards it, then you would use the word 'in' and not 'into.' Take a look at the following two sentences and see which one sounds correct.

  • She swam in the ocean.
  • She swam into the ocean.

Preposition Examples

Learn a useful list of prepositions classified by different categories with example sentences.

Prepositional Phrases

A prepositional phrase is a group of words that begins with a preposition.

  • Under construction

A new railroad isunder construction.

  • For real

After two trial runs we did itfor real.

  • At the same time

All speakat the same time.

  • By the time

By the time I got there, he'd gone.

  • By the way

By the way, how is John?

  • On paper

Could you put your ideas downon paper?

  • With regret

Do not waste timewith regret.

  • At a discount

Employees can buy books at a discount.

  • Without a hitch

Everything had gone without a hitch.

  • Under treatment

He isunder treatmentfor malaria.

  • By force

He took the purse from her by force.

  • On board

He tried to jump back on board.

  • At risk

He was putting himselfat risk.

  • By nature

He wasby nature a philosophical person.

  • In vain

Her efforts were in vain.

  • On trial

He'son trial for his life.

  • In debt

I am in debt to the bank for my car loan.

  • With regard to

I am writing with regard to your recent order.

  • With respect

I ask for her handwith all respect.

  • For life

I believe marriage is for life.

  • Out of place

I felt out of placeamong foreigners.

  • For ages

I haven't seen you for ages.

  • By mistake

I've paid this bill twice by mistake.

  • Out of stock

I'm afraid we're temporarily out of stock.

  • Within limits

I'm willing to help,within limits.

  • Under repair

Is the bridge stillunder repair?

  • Without precedent

It is without precedent in history.

  • In theory

It sounds finein theory, but will it work?

  • At least

It will cost at least $200.

  • To the full

I've always believed in living life to the full.

  • Out of school

Never tell talesout of school.

  • By now

Perhaps they are already thereby now.

  • For a while

Please sit down for a while.

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  • With abandon

She dancedwith abandon.

  • In detail

She described the accidentin detail.

  • For sale

She has put her house upfor sale.

  • By far

She is the bestby far.

  • At the age of

She went blind at the age of ten.

  • On leave

She'son leave until the end of the month.

  • In case

Took an umbrella, just in case.

  • In full

The apple trees are in full bearing.

  • On the move

The army ison the move.

  • In terms of

The book is well organized in terms ofplot.

  • Out of order

The boy put the telephone out of order.

  • To date

The car is a beauty and quite up to date.

  • On fire

The car was nowon fire.

  • Out of control

The fire is burning out of control.

  • Under review

The matter is stillunder review.

  • On sale

The new model goes on salenext month.

  • On show

The paintings are on show until April.

  • Within walking

The shops arewithin walking distance.

  • Under stress

The silver was deformedunder stress.

  • At peace

The two countries were at peace.

  • Out of fashion

Their music will never go out of fashion.

  • Under the stairs

There's a broom cupboard under the stairs.

  • For hire

They have boats for hire.

  • Out of hand

Unemployment is getting out of hand.

  • Within reach

We livewithin reach of the station.

  • For nothing

We went all that way for nothing.

  • With a view of

We'd like a room with a view ofthe sea.

  • In doubt

Whenin doubt, call the doctor.

  • Without respect

Without respect, love cannot go far.

  • At once

You have to call her at once.

List of Prepositional Phrases | Image

Prepositional Phrases Pin

Prepositions of Time

A preposition of time is a preposition that allows you to discuss a specific time period.

List of Prepositions of Time with preposition examples.

  • During

We stayed at a student hostelduring the conference.

  • For

I'm just going to bedfor two hours or so.

  • Until/Till

We waittill/until half past six for you.

  • Since

Forty years have passed awaysince they met.

  • From…to

Her visit will extendfrom Mondayto Thursday.

  • Ago

He left the house over an hourago.

  • Before

She's always upbefore dawn.

  • By

He had promised to be backby five o'clock.

  • After

I felt fairly easyafter taking the medicine.

  • To

It's only two weeks to Christmas.

  • Past

It's five past ten.

  • Between…and

They lived in New York between 1998 and 2004.

  • Within

You should receive a replywithin seven days.

  • In

In the afternoon

  • On

On 1st January 2013

  • At

At the same time

List of Prepositions of Time with Examples | Image

Prepositions: A Complete Grammar Guide (with Preposition Examples) 2 Pin

Prepositions of Place

A preposition of place is a preposition which is used to refer to a place where something or someone is located.

List of Prepositions of Place with preposition examples.

  • On

On a table

  • Under

We sleptunder the open sky.

  • Next to

The hotel is situatednext to the lively bustling port.

  • Between

There is a gulfbetween the two cities.

  • Among

I enjoy beingamongmy friends.

  • In front of

They massed in front of the city hall.

  • Behind

The horse fellbehind in the race.

  • By

The bank isby the hotel.

  • Above

Our friends in the apartmentabove us are really noisy.

  • Below

He divedbelow the surface of the water.

  • Near

There is a bushnear the school playground.

  • At

At The Empire State Building

List of Prepositions of Place with Examples | Image

Prepositions of Place Pin

Prepositions of Movement

Prepositions of movement or direction are used to show movement from one place to another. These preposition words are most often used with verbs of motion and are found after the verb.

List of Prepositions of Movement with preposition examples.

  • Down

It's easier to rundown the hill than go up.

  • Up

She doesn't like riding her bikeup these hills.

  • Into

Don't put new wineinto old bottles.

  • Toward

She was carrying a suitcase and walkingtowards.

  • Over

The hotel isover the bridge.

  • Onto

I slipped as I steppedonto the platform.

  • Around

Her hair whippedaround her face in the wind.

  • Along

We went for a walkalong the beach at twilight.

  • Across

The boys swamacross the lake.

  • Through

The Charles River flows throughBoston.

  • To

Many people travelto work by car.

  • From

What time does the flight from Amsterdam arrive?

  • Out of

       If you can't stand the heat get out of the kitchen

List of Prepositions of Movement with Examples | Image

Prepositions of Movement Pin

Examples of Prepositions Used in Sentences

Adjective & Preposition Examples

Example sentences of preposition words with adjectives in English.

  • I don't feelcomfortable in high heels.
  • He's veryexperienced in looking after animals.
  • He isinterested in molecular biology.
  • They weresuccessful in winning the contract.
  • Some among us weretalented in hunting.
  • I wasamazed by what she told me.
  • We were allimpressed by her enthusiasm.
  • The book wasinspired by a real person.
  • The teacher wassurprised by the student's questions.
  • Are youacquainted with your classmate?
  • You areblessed with many talents.
  • The kids arebusy with their homework.
  • Her job is somethingconcerned with computers.
  • Are youfamiliar with the computer software they use?
  • He'sfed up with his job. He wants to quit.
  • Are youhappy with that arrangement?
  • Becareful with the glasses.
  • She's neversatisfied with what she's got.
  • He's beenaccused of robbery.
  • Are youafraid of the dark?
  • I'm notashamed of what I did.
  • Were youaware of the risks at the time?
  • What are youfrightened of?
  • You arein danger of being robbed.
  • She'sjealous of my success.
  • He wasproud of himself for not giving up.
  • I'msick ofthe way you've treated me.
  • It wasunkind of you to take his toy away.
  • I'd be absolutelydelighted to come.
  • I feel veryproud to be a part of the team.
  • It'sgood to see you again.
  • It'snice to know you.
  • She had grownaccustomed to his long absences.
  • I've never seen two people so attached to each other.
  • He wasdisappointed to see she wasn't at the party.
  • John was very keen to help.
  • She'smarried to John.
  • I'm notqualified to give advice on such matters.
  • I wassad to hear that they'd split up.
  • I wasthankful to see they'd all arrived safely.
  • She iseager for her parents' approval.
  • You'll belate for your flight if you don't hurry up.
  • What makes you think that you arequalified for this job?
  • It isdifficult for me to hear you.
  • She is sograteful for your help.
  • The army are said to beready for action.
  • This program is not suitable for children.
  • I'msorry for arriving so late to dinner.
  • She's famous for her watercolor paintings.
  • He'sangry at his friend for cheating on the test.
  • I'mawful at names.
  • Jack is really bad at keeping his promises.
  • They areexcellent at planning fun parties.
  • She is good at solving problems.
  • The teacher wassurprised at the student's question.
  • Dustin isterrible at texting.
  • He could be verycareless about his future.
  • He was quitecertain about his attacker's identity.
  • I'm a bitconcerned about your health.
  • I'm notcrazy about Chinese food.
  • She felt verydepressed about the future.
  • The boss wasfurious about the past quarter's losses.
  • He's verysensitive about his weight.
  • Is sheserious about wanting to sell the house?
  • I'm very sorry about losing your book.
  • Are yousure about that?
  • He's notworried about his upcoming examinations.

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Preposition Examples Pin

Noun & Preposition Examples

Examples of preposition words with nouns in English.

  • There is a steepfall in profits this year.
  • She has lost herbelief in God.
  • We apologize for thedelay in answering your letter.
  • We measured thedifference in temperature.
  • I had nodifficulty in making myself understood.
  • The novel is based on hisexperiences in the war.
  • Do your parents take an interest in your friends?
  • There is the rapidgrowth in violent crime.
  • The club encouragesparticipation in sporting activities.
  • There was nochange in the patient's condition overnight.
  • I'd like to do acourse in computer programming.
  • I need somelessons in how to set up a website.
  • He had a lot ofsuccess in his career.
  • He took aphotograph of the mountains.
  • He has theadvantage of speaking English fluently.
  • We went to see anexhibition of Viking jewellery.
  • Hisfear of flying made travel difficult.
  • He was the first to see the possibilities of the plan.
  • She is thecause of all his problems.
  • It is aperfect example of a medieval castle.
  • I'm not happy with thisway of working.
  • Mark gave mea check for $100.
  • There is no known cure for this type of snake bite.
  • I have a fondness for expensive chocolate.
  • There is a realneed for discipline in this class.
  • Is there enough room for us in the car?
  • I have no particularreason for doubting him.
  • At least give hercredit for trying.
  • She felt a surge of love anddesire for him.
  • I couldn't hide mylove for her any longer.
  • He felt nothing buthatred for his attacker.
  • His plans are arecipe for disaster.
  • I have a deeprespect for my grandmother.
  • I'm aware of John'sreputation for being late.
  • I did an Internetsearch for free music sites.
  • Histalent for singing was impressive.
  • I had anargument with the waiter about the bill.
  • She has noconcern with my question.
  • Dave has closeconnection with my family.
  • Have you had anycontact with Anna?
  • I've got a dinnerdate with Tommy on Saturday.
  • I'm havingdifficulty with the steering.
  • I've got ameeting with Mr Thomas this afternoon.
  • Tony left after aquarrel with his wife.
  • My relationship with John is wonderful.
  • We have everysympathy with his family.
  • Students must haveaccess to good resources.
  • Mark is now fighting hisaddiction to alcohol.
  • I have an openinvitation to visit my friend in Korea.
  • I really admire Sarah for herdedication to her family.
  • I have nodesire to discuss the matter further.
  • Hisreaction to his behavior was quite funny.
  • The book is full ofreferences to growing up in India.
  • You have noreason to change the schedule like that.
  • There is nosolution to this problem.
  • It's my firstvisit to Tokyo.
  • The flood causeddamage to property estimated at $6 million.
  • There has been a lot ofresistance to this new law.
  • I'd like to make a smallcontribution to the cost of the holiday.

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Verb & Preposition Examples

Examples of preposition words with verbs in English.

  • Heasked about her family.
  • The boys argued about which bus to take.
  • He alwayscares about me.
  • Annadecided about her goals.
  • Sarahdreams about becoming a ballet dancer.
  • Don'tforget about the party you promised.
  • You willlaugh about this later on.
  • What did youthink about the idea?
  • Don'tworry about me. I'll be all right.
  • We alwaysagree on the best course of action.
  • I don't feel I cancomment on their decision.
  • Icongratulate youon your new job!
  • You cancount on me anytime.
  • Wedepend on our customers' suggestions.
  • Can youelaborate on the process?
  • Iinsist on Peter's studying every day for two hours.
  • Advertisements often play on people's fears.
  • Can werely on this old car to get us there?
  • She isworking on a new novel.
  • Headmitted to being late three times.
  • Ianswer to Ms Smith.
  • She had toapologize to the whole family.
  • Let meappeal to you for your help in this matter.
  • Sheasked to see Professor Fenton.
  • Chrisattended to the grocery shopping.
  • Shecommitted herselfto finding a new job.
  • I'm going tocomplain to the manager about this.
  • The boyconfessed to stealing the apple.
  • Pleasecontribute to the fund for the needy.
  • Can youexplain Andrewto me?
  • Something awfulhappened to your car.
  • Allow me tointroduce myselfto you.
  • Have you been invited to their party?
  • Iprefer roast potatoesto French fries.
  • Hereacted poorlyto the news.
  • Itravel to work by train.
  • Thataccounts for his success.
  • I reallyadmire youfor your courage.
  • I want toapologize for my mistakes.
  • He doesn'tcare for playing golf.
  • I can'texcuse myselffor not doing it.
  • Heworks for an engineering company.
  • He alwaysagrees with my opinion.
  • Susanassociates chocolatewith childhood.
  • The officer charged Mr. Smithwith blackmail.
  • Hecomplies with each and every order.
  • I'm afraid Iconfused youwith someone else.
  • I can'tdeal with so much overtime.
  • Can Iborrow a hammerfrom you?
  • You canchoose from a wide range of vehicles.
  • The swimmeremerged from the lake.
  • Don'texpect sympathyfrom me!
  • The cover protects the machinefrom dust.
  • He willsuffer from studying too little.
  • The entire grouparrived in force.
  • She seemed totallyabsorbed in her book.
  • Johnbelieves in oat bran.
  • Please don'tinvolve me in this mess.
  • Johnsucceeded in getting a new job.
  • Ispecialize in tropical medicine.

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Prepositions of Time and Place (IN, ON, AT)

For describing time and place, the prepositions in, on, and at go from general to specific.

Prepositions of Time and Place (IN, ON, AT) Pin

Prepositions of Time IN, ON, AT

Learn how to use prepositions of time in, on, at correctly with following useful rules and preposition examples.


  • In + Years
  • In + Seasons
  • In + Decades
  • In + Centuries
  • In + Weeks
  • In + Periods of time
  • In + Holidays


  • On + Days
  • On + Dates
  • On + Holidays with "day"
  • On + Specific days
  • On + Time
  • On + Day + Part of day


  • At + Hours
  • At + Parts of the day
  • At + Holidays without "day"
  • At + Time

"Time" Prepositions Examples IN – AT – ON | Image

"Time" Prepositions Examples IN - AT - ON | Image  Pin

Prepositions of Place IN, ON, AT

Learn useful rules to use Prepositions of Place IN – ON – AT with preposition examples.


  • In + Countries
  • In + Cities
  • In + Neighborhood
  • In + Enclosed Space


  • On + Means of transport
  • On + Communications
  • On + Surfaces


  • At + Exact Addresses or Intersections
  • At + Specific Locations/ Points

"Place" Preposition Examples AT – IN – ON | Image

"Place" Preposition Examples AT - IN - ON | Image  Pin

Common Errors with Prepositions

Learn common errors in the use of prepositions in English with preposition examples.

Incorrect:Sophia invests her money onthe stock market.

Correct:Sophia invests her money in the stock market.

Incorrect:He is a student of Oxford University.

Correct:He is a student at Oxford University.

Incorrect:I saw that news on the newspapers.

Correct: I saw that news in the newspapers.

Incorrect:Open page 45 of your books.

Correct: Open your books to page 45.

Incorrect:The cat is sleeping in the sofa.

Correct:The cat is sleeping onthe sofa.

Incorrect:My birthday is on October.

Correct:My birthday is in October.

Incorrect: John has been absent from Friday?

Correct:John has been absent since Friday ?

Incorrect:Sophia's married with a doctor.

Correct:Sophia's married toa doctor.

Incorrect:Divide it between the children in class.

Correct:Divide it among the children in class.

Incorrect: It has been snowing from Monday.

Correct:  It has been snowing since Monday.

Incorrect:The key of happiness is having dreams.

Correct:The key tohappiness is having dreams.

Incorrect: What do you see when looking the mirror?

Correct:What do you see when looking in the mirror?

Incorrect:She met with old friendsonher holiday.

Correct:She met old friendson her holiday.

Incorrect:He insisted to carry his own bag.

Correct:He insisted on carrying his own bag.

Incorrect:Lunch consisted from sandwiches and fruit.

Correct:Lunch consisted of sandwiches and fruit.

Incorrect:It depends from you.

Correct:It depends on you.

Common Preposition Errors | Image

Common Preposition Errors | Image  Pin

Prepositions Video

We have seen that a preposition can be used to show a link or relationship to a verb, noun, or pronoun. There are various rules surrounding the use of a preposition but these are easy to follow and will help make your sentences much more coherent.

how to use however in a sentence


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